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A few suggestions from a n00b
hauquiermDate: Thursday, 13/10/2016, 12:03 PM | Message # 1
Group: Friends
Messages: 22
Reputation: 3
Status: Offline
Hey team,

I'm a bit bored since I want to spare my time I have left on the Battlefield 1 trial for later, so i'm just going to add my suggestions for Band of Brothers and try to help you guys out. No worries, I've called sick on my job and i'm still gettin' those G's.

I have lead my own 40+ member clan on Counter-Strike: Source and a 30+ clan on Battlefield 3. (Multiple public and private servers and clear (and very active) websites included) They've both died because the members (including me) stopped playing these games. I never really found the time to start it up again for Battlefield 4 although I had the chance since a few lads of that clan have played BF4 in the beginning. Ahh, the good ol' times. :-P

Please don't see this as a negative comment on this clan. I like it in here and it's good as it is for me, but i've seen a few things I would do different if BoB was mine.

1. Website & Forum

This website and forum is a complete mess. Where is the complete teampage? Where can I check the ranks of my mates and where can I check who are the leaders? Why is my nickname 'hauquierm' and why does the staff need to waste their time changing everyone's nickname? And also, why do I need to type a security code everytime I want to post something?

My suggestions:
* Revamp the website completely. Maybe get lost of the head website? I've noticed in my past that clanmembers don't really check the news on clanwebsites, so I don't think a compact clan like Band of Brothers needs a thing like that. We could run perfectly fine with only a forum because it's more clear and interesting for members, easier to run for the admins and leaders.

* The forum doesn't need a bunch of forums like we do have now. It makes it inconvenient and people lose interest to make new threads and replies. Make a few forums like 'News and Announcements', 'Feedback', 'Apply for BoB' (more info in 2.),'Games', 'Adult Corner', 'Off-topic' and that's it.

*Also interesting: Make a sub-forum (hyperlink?) for clan wars, so other clans can challenge us for a clan war. Our leadz0rs can accept or reject it and make a team ready for the upcoming clan wars.
You can make the forum mandatory for people who want to play clan wars. If the people don't reply on your PCW-topic -> No place in the team. Trust me, it will make the forums more active.

2. New membz0rs

I'm sure the leaders know about Phoenix kicking me out of the clan a few months ago. I think that's perfectly fine since I was inactive, but be more careful with new members.
I get it. Band of Brothers doesn't attract many new players lately. But that's cool, right? I think you guys accept random folks way too easily. People apply, these guys need to go on TeamSpeak, they hear a few rules from the leader, they register on the website and voila... They're full members of BoB.

My suggestions:
* Make a sub-forum like 'Apply for BoB' and let the people apply via the forum. Make an own sticky thread to explain the rules, etc and let the newbies do it all for you! The leaders can read it, talk about it and think about accepting these fools or not.

* You can always give the newbies a 'n00b rank'. Let them hassle for a week of two. Let them show who they are and what they can mean for the Band of Brothers.
Are they active enough in-game? Are they active on teh leet forumz? Do they login on our TS3 server while playing? Do they have aids? Et cetera.

3. Squads

This is just something I did with my Battlefield 3 clan and it worked out to be friggin' awesome.
The leaders could choose a few - very active - members to be squad leaders and the clan could be turned in to squads, so everyone has a few 'real' mates to play with on teh leet battlefieldz.
I had two very active squads and the rest was random. It gives the most active members a small reward for being really active in-game/on the forum. It makes the clan and players more tight and I've noticed the new members really did their best to get in one of these. My squads were squads of 8, so I was sure of 14 to 16 real active members in our small community. They were admin on the clanserver, posted really cool stuff on our forum and were always active in our voice server.
It was an experiment which turned out to be awesome. I did, however, actually kick the members who weren't active enough in-game OR on the forums, so I had room for new guys and the clan stayed as active as it was. It's important you don't give a shit about what these kicked fellas think. I always gave them a chance to earn their place in one of our squads again. And they did. It kept the ball roll, you know? ;-)

4. TeamSpeak 3

Not really something that I think that can be improved, but it's just a suggestion:
Did you guys ever heard of Discord? TS3 costs money and it's as old as my second Playstation console. Discord recently freshed shit up and it's as free as my love for teddybears. Check it out!
You can textchat on it (for the people without a mic/people who don't like to talk), the leaders can make announcements on it for people to see (some advertising for an upcoming clanwar, a new thread on the forum, etc?) & It looks more neat in my opinion.


I hope I did help you guys out a bit.
Have a good day,
BlueSmiley aka hauquierm or something like that


Message edited by hauquierm - Thursday, 13/10/2016, 12:20 PM
SgtDarkPhoenixDate: Thursday, 13/10/2016, 3:59 PM | Message # 2
~~ Your Gentle Administrator ~~
Group: Member
Messages: 1078
Reputation: 415
Status: Offline
Disclaimer: My reply was written as I was reading parts of the main post. It consists my thoughts, as they came to my mind. I quoted parts so it's clear what I'm replying to.

First of all, I obviously jumped to the bottom of the post and saw the TL;DR part... good Lord, that was a good one hahahaha

"(and very active) websites" & "They've both died" LMFAO
Not disrespecting, just thought it was very funny  tongue

"Please don't see this as a negative comment on this clan"
Oh God, I better prepare my anus...

"if BoB was mine"
But it's not huehuehue

"This website and forum is a complete mess."
OK, shit just got real.

"Where is the complete teampage?"
I wouldn't know what you mean by that. Maybe that's the About Us part or something else?

"Where can I check the ranks of my mates and where can I check who are the leaders?"
Here: http://bandofbrothers.at.ua/forum/0-0-1-35
You can access that link from any sub-forum page by clicking "Members" near the top of the site.
It's not really up-to-date as only until recently James was the only one who could edit anything connected to the site. Now I can do it too, but I'm limited to changing ranks and editing forum messages. I cannot (nor do I know how to) edit the website code.

"Why is my nickname 'hauquierm' and why does the staff need to waste their time changing everyone's nickname?"
Because it was automatically set to that as it took it from your real name or, more likely, email.
I still can't change people's names on the site, but here is the list of what they should look like (newer ones): http://bandofbrothers.at.ua/forum/27-235-1
JAMES, PLEASE GIVE ME POWER TO EDIT USERS' NICKNAMES! Or give people power to edit their own names.

"And also, why do I need to type a security code everytime I want to post something?"
Yeah, that's shit, I agree. Ranks higher than Member don't need the code, but I don't know why Members need it too? Personally, I'd change it so only Guests (group Registered) need to use the code.

"Revamp the website completely."
You do realize that James will never do that, as he's far too lazy? I don't have web coding knowledge advanced enough to write something as complex as this site. And paying is really not an option, we're not a massive clan to have donation money to work with.
BTW, James pieced it together from parts, he didn't write the whole thing.
If you know how to, and have will to do it, you are welcome to lend a hand! However, we'll need to have some serious talk before, but I guess it can be done.

On the topic, the news feed is here to serve as a forum filter. The important posts get a news feed article with a link to the thread in the forums. Furthermore, most of the news feed articles get an auto-poke on TS when you join is, so that everyone is notified.
I personally see no problem with difficulty of running it, I find it to be quite easy as is.

"The forum doesn't need a bunch of forums like we do have now."
There are too many, yes :P
All the new replies are shown here, regardless of the section (Staff only threads are not shown if you're not Staff): http://bandofbrothers.at.ua/forum/0-0-1-34
You can access that link from any sub-forum page by clicking "New messages" near the top of the site. In that sense, you can't get lost regardless of how many sections you have, but I still see your point.
Leave just a few forums like 'News and Announcements', 'Feedback', 'Apply for BoB', 'Games', 'Adult Corner', 'Off-topic' and that's it.

"Make a sub-forum (hyperlink?) for clan wars, so other clans can challenge us for a clan war."
We gave it a try, have a look here: http://bandofbrothers.at.ua/forum/33-293-1
In the history of this clan, since founding in late March 2015, we've had only one single clan war. There was another one we wanted to do, but didn't have 5 people to put together as the 5th guy cancelled on us only a couple days before the match...
I just don't see this clan as one that would have clan wars. Again, it might change with the new members we'll hopefully be getting, but for that we'll just have to wait and see.
It's incredibly hard to get the people in here properly organized. Sometimes I feel like I'm in a mental asylum, but then I realize that it's just one or two guys that are making a mess and it then seems like everyone is yelling. Last time that happened, the guy luckily ran away before I pressed the "ban" button on TS hahahaha Granted, it was supposed to be just a 10 minute ban so that he has time to chill out. Getting off topic, sorry.
I don't know... I'd like to have something like a dedicated group of tactical players, as I described in the post lined above. But it seems like nobody wants to participate in that (apart from Puko and me), and if they don't want to do that, they will not want to do a CW. Those that don't want to do tactical play but would like to join for a CW are, in my opinion, idiots. If you have 0 tactics, you might as well run around in a pub game with a shotgun and don't bother others with setting up a clan war.

"I'm sure the leaders know about Phoenix kicking me out of the clan a few months ago."
Yeah.... no, they don't hahaha
I'm sort of authorized to kick at will. I don't abuse that, of course.
The rule was that 1 month Battlelog / Battlefield inactivity resulted in a kick from the clan. The person was PM'd by me explaining they can still rejoin us as soon as they start playing BF again. Apparently you didn't get the message? I clearly remember sending it to you. You gotta check Battlelog messages, search for on that says "SgtDarkPhoenix left chat..." as I left the chat after saying what I needed to smile
In the past two months or so, I chose not to kick people because your message about not getting my message prompted me to just leave the people in, as they will likely become active when BF1 rolls in. Plus, all the active guys will accept their applications to join the BF1 platoon, and that will serve as a good filter, too.

"Band of Brothers doesn't attract many new players lately."
Sir, you couldn't be more wrong. We got 25+ new Members just in the past month. Last time I kicked people (around two months ago?), I got to like 60 members in the clan. Check Battlelog now, we're at 91 Members. That's the most we've ever had. I am pretty confident we will break the 100 Member mark by the end of the month, too.

"I think you guys accept random folks way too easily. People apply, these guys need to go on TeamSpeak, they hear a few rules from the leader, they register on the website and voila... They're full members of BoB."
I have to disagree again as I think you got the wrong impression when joining.
It's more complex than that, and you had special treatment. I saw your thread on the BF Forums, PM'd you, and got you to join the old crew before another clan snatched you. You've already gone through full recruitment with me personally before you got kicked for inactivity, so I shortened everything up for you. Plus I just wanted to be quick as we all wanted to play together.
I knew there would be no problems with you. Normally, all new members get rank Trial Member first (yes James, that's how we roll now :P), and then Member in a few days. In the history of BoB, only 5 or fewer people managed to fail trial. And if they got Member straight away, I'd ban them in a few days anyways biggrin They were colossal assholes, and I knew from the start it wouldn't go well. Wanted to give them a chance first, as some similar guys turned out to be great people once they got comfortable with us. If you check, 5 or fewer guys in comparison to 342 members registered on the site is nothing. Most of the assholes get shot down by me during the chat over Battlelog (that how many are told to get on TS). So the "new guy" you might see on TS has probably already talked to me and knows a lot about the clan.
Oh yeah, I have like 30 people blocked on Battlelog. They are the ones that got shot down biggrin

"Make a sub-forum like 'Apply for BoB' and let the people apply via the forum."
I know many clans have that. I am actually not a fan of the system. Now that we got multiple guys capable of doing recruitment with wannabe members, it's better to have that sociable approach where you talk to the person directly, and not have them type meaningless lines as answers to useless, robot-like, questions.

"You can always give the newbies a 'n00b rank'."
Sorry, but I'll have to disagree with you again sad
This has been a topic of many discussions, where I was the one with the attitude you have now.
However, I radically changed my opinion. All Trials make people feel less worthy. Even with the Trial Member that we have now, but we try to tell people it's here so that others can meet new guys more easily, get to know them and so on. In fact, it really is here for that reason.
As far as seeing if someone is problematic or not is concerned, I don't feel a need to have a Trial at all. My honest opinion is that the person continuously causing problems will be dealt with (banned) regardless if they are a Guest, Trial, Member or even Staff.
Read the About Us part of the website. You will find a story about the way our clan was founded. It was the previous Founder that basically banned himself because he broke one of his own rules, and then James chose to keep the community running. I joined only a week afterwards, and I agree with all James' ideas about fairness and enforcing justice. You can rest assured that the foundation of this community will always stay on the side of justice.
Shit fam, I got way off topic again hahaha
Anyhow, I wanted to say that I'll ban whoever needs to be banned, regardless of their rank. They can get Member straight away, but it won't save them if they're an asshole. With me, you won't get a third chance. I warn once and then I take action. I can't stand morons and I really hope that nobody will have any issues while they're staying in BoB. Well, as long as you're not the issue yourself :P

"Are they active enough in-game?"
I assume you only want to accept people who are active? But with that idea you are going against what you've said earlier, "but be more careful with new members" (about kicking them, or not accepting to begin with).

"The leaders could choose a few - very active - members to be squad leaders and the clan could be turned in to squads, so everyone has a few 'real' mates to play with on teh leet battlefieldz."
Oh boy! You're my soul mate! This is exactly what I wanted hahaha
Before you got to reading this part of my reply, I assume you are already familiar with the BoB Shovel Squad.
That is exactly what you talked about in Squad section. Again, can't get many people to do it, but you can ask Puko more about it. He and I play together almost every night, and he's my "real mate" hahaha
To whomever my concern: You are all welcome to join Puko and myself on a daily (nightly) basis and then we can maybe evolve it into the real BoB Shovel Squad!
Some fellas expressed their concerns that Squads like this may divide the community. I don't see that happening if played correctly, and the way I'm playing it is the way I think is correct. Is it?

"Did you guys ever heard of Discord?"
Oh boy how I did!

"TS3 costs money and it's as old as my second Playstation console."
TS3 really isn't expensive, it's like 2 quids a month. Hey, I own a PS2 and I play The Sims on it, so STFU! hahaha
Just because it's old, doesn't mean it's bad. TS is fabulous IMO.

"it's as free as my love for teddybears."
Imagine you ran a business. You have to fund it. How is Discord funded? It will either get filled with ads soon, or they will start requiring payment from people that then will not want to switch, as they got comfortable with Discord like BoB got with TS.
I haven't exactly done research on how Discord pays for it servers, so if anyone has any exact information, I'd like to have a look.

"You can textchat on it (for the people without a mic/people who don't like to talk), the leaders can make announcements on it for people to see (some advertising for an upcoming clanwar, a new thread on the forum, etc?) & It looks more neat in my opinion."

Firstly, we don't accept people with no mics into the clan. And you can also chat on TS, in many ways (full server chat, lobby chat, PMs and pokes). Secondly, announcements can be made over TeamSpeak as well, through notifications upon joining the server. Expect many soon! Thirdly, although it may look neat, I bet it doesn't have the dank lobby description like our TS does, does it!?! Jokes aside, people with Chrome will need to use another tab for Discord, and TS uses literally no RAM, unlike a Chrome tab.

I am well aware that parts of my answer might appear as offensive or attacking to someone, but keep in mind that is not the case. It's just the way I word things: I tend to be extremely direct at times. I say what I think regardless of the consequences, as I always stand by my beliefs (I might change them at some point, but I won't back down).
I just wanted to say that, regardless of what it may sound like, in this message, I didn't mean to offend anyone.

Thank you BlueSmiley-BE for making this post as it will prompt a lot of, hopefully, meaningful discussion.
I bet nobody will write a reply this long!

I hope I covered all points in my, well, rather flipping lengthy reply cool

- MasterPhoenix | Fite me 1v1 (ง ° ͜ ʖ °)ง
- Used to be an Admin...

JamessuperfunDate: Thursday, 13/10/2016, 4:35 PM | Message # 3
Colonel general
Group: Founder
Messages: 223
Reputation: 0
Status: Offline
I'll allow for some further discussion before announcing what exactly I'm going to change; don't want to have a constant back and fourth if some things turn out to be fairly controversial.

The unfortunate thing about this web system is I have no way of allowing others to access the control panel with limited access, only giving the master admin password. All permissions to edit profiles that can be assigned have been assigned to Phoenix already. I brought up the possibility of moving to another platform months ago but the majority were against it, while I have reason to like this one I agree some things need improvement. The reason your name is set to that is down to the account you registered to the site with - it takes the username from there. I proposed a potential way to better organise these using Trello about 2 weeks ago which would allow staff to create cards listing each user who needs a new name. I would then get a notification in 3 places (My phone, laptop's desktop and tower) informing me it needs to be changed.

Reducing who needs to use the captcha I agree with. It's irritating and not needed. Our issues with spam haven't been huge, but I agree with Phoenix; I'm not going to open it for those in the 'Registered' group - I've seen first hand how that opens the site to spam.

The sections I can reduce since the majority who have given their views seem to want to, though my personal opinion is that lots of sections is OK. The forum is mainly used via the "New Posts" page which is also shown on the homepage and the news section isn't really much effort to update. The sections just allow for a bit more detailed categorisation IMO. I agree with the idea of a section for "Clan Wars".

In terms of new members, we had a fairly complex join process which involved a fair amount of time being spent with each member. Phoenix I remember opposed this; one advantage was it allowed for us to get to know each potential member a little while getting through the paperwork.

I'm already aware of the Teamspeak 3 vs Discord debate. We considered moving over a while ago, poked about with Lander. We decided it was a good platform but Teamspeak 3 was working well. Right now, Discord is our backup server. I use it personally and know of it's benefits, but it has shortcomings too, such as the dramatically lower amount of control available.

Constructive criticism is useful; I appreciate the info.

"Dip, dip, potato chip" - James Blunt
SgtDarkPhoenixDate: Thursday, 13/10/2016, 6:14 PM | Message # 4
~~ Your Gentle Administrator ~~
Group: Member
Messages: 1078
Reputation: 415
Status: Offline
"don't want to have a constant back and fourth if some things turn out to be fairly controversial."
Agreed upon. Set things straight first, and then get down to work.

"All permissions to edit profiles that can be assigned have been assigned to Phoenix already."
I somehow doubt that. Give me the bloody power!  tongue

"I brought up the possibility of moving to another platform months ago but the majority were against it"
I really don't remember this... I might have disagreed because it would require too much of a change, but I really don't recall any details.

"I proposed a potential way to better organise these using Trello about 2 weeks ago which would allow staff to create cards listing each user who needs a new name."
Yeah, thanks for reminding me. I made an account and now I'm getting multiple mails per day, like "Taco from Trello" etc. Screw that shit hahaha
As far as the names are concerned, you have a list to get started with here: http://bandofbrothers.at.ua/forum/27-235-1
Make sure you do it in order, as some people have multiple rank changes, and the last post is what it should be. Not worth comparing, just change it as you get to it and then you might need to change it again for a couple guys.

"I agree with Phoenix"
Lemme pop a champagne open real quick, got things to celebrate!  biggrin

"I'm not going to open it for those in the 'Registered' group"
Now that I can quickly give Member, there won't be any issues with actual Members not having their rank when needed. Therefore, no actual Member will be stuck in 'Registered', so that group should only be for the complete randoms that haven't joined yet - needing a captcha.
And I can also ban accounts now and delete posts... so RIP spammers smile

"The sections I can reduce"
Just look at the sub-sub-sub-sections that are in Other Games? It's deader than my sex life!
We might need to get rid of Politics, merge Event Suggestions and Discussions, etc. And just look at the description of General Game Discussion, it's horrible hahaha

""New Posts" page which is also shown on the homepage"
Actually, there's a problem with it. It refreshes way too slow and it shows only 5 threads. If you actually have an active forum, that's not enough.
My idea would be to make it refresh faster, show 10 threads, and put some kind of hyperlink like "Click here to show all" or just "Show all" either in the heading or on the bottom of the box, which would take you to the entire New Messages list.
Also, change that "New messages" button into a "New posts" because clicking it takes you to a section actually called New posts, and "messages" sounds a lot like "Inbox" to people (at least it did, and still does, to me).

"Phoenix I remember opposed this; one advantage was it allowed for us to get to know each potential member a little while getting through the paperwork."
That is correct, but now I changed my mind. Reasons are explained in my post above.
Plus I don't actually have to do it now, I got lackeys to do it for me. I'm looking at you, Puko!  happy

"the dramatically lower amount of control available"
Yes, TeamSpeak has tons and tons of permission options, which are extremely useful. I really dislike Discord. I used it when our TS was down, and I just hated it sad

This post, unlike the one above, was meant to be more funny. I hope nobody got offended here  wink

These two posts add up to a grand total of 3100+ words. GLHF smile

- MasterPhoenix | Fite me 1v1 (ง ° ͜ ʖ °)ง
- Used to be an Admin...

hauquiermDate: Thursday, 13/10/2016, 9:23 PM | Message # 5
Group: Friends
Messages: 22
Reputation: 3
Status: Offline
Thanks for the replies, guys. I'm glad i've helped you guys out a little bit. happy
SgtDarkPhoenixDate: Thursday, 13/10/2016, 9:34 PM | Message # 6
~~ Your Gentle Administrator ~~
Group: Member
Messages: 1078
Reputation: 415
Status: Offline
Quote hauquierm ()
Thanks for the replies, guys. I'm glad i've helped you guys out a little bit.

You gave the ideas. James has to make them reality.
Ain't that gonna go well hahahaha

- MasterPhoenix | Fite me 1v1 (ง ° ͜ ʖ °)ง
- Used to be an Admin...

hauquiermDate: Thursday, 13/10/2016, 9:37 PM | Message # 7
Group: Friends
Messages: 22
Reputation: 3
Status: Offline
Quote SgtDarkPhoenix ()
You gave the ideas. James has to make them reality.
Ain't that gonna go well hahahaha

I thought you were a Founder now, so why don't you have the right permissions? biggrin
PukoDate: Thursday, 13/10/2016, 11:46 PM | Message # 8
Sergeant of Master Sergeants Most Important Person
Group: Administrator
Messages: 243
Reputation: 31
Status: Offline
Oh boy where should i start. First of all, my english is bad, so pls have a good laugh. (No, seriously, laugh, i wish that). I have read all posts above, and so shall i give my opinion too: I have also spoken with the other members, ask them for opinion,mostly with eXyLe and Eagle so i will include their opinion.
Quote hauquierm ()
This website and forum is a complete mess. Where is the complete teampage?

I do partially agree with him, i also dislike the look of the forum, meaning there is lots of space for the improvement. What is a teampage?

Quote hauquierm ()
and where can I check who are the leaders
I Agree, we should have it on the home page, list of... well... VIPs like founder, admin ,leader. Other members also agree that names of important members should be visible on the home page.
Quote hauquierm ()
Make a sub-forum like 'Apply for BoB' and let the people apply via the forum.
Nah, no need, current system is working just fine and there is no use to change it now because we don't know how stuff will work in BF1 (no more battlelog)
Quote hauquierm ()
3. Squads
No comment  about that.
Quote hauquierm ()
4. TeamSpeak 3

About discord, just no, i am gonna agree with Phoenix, others doesnt have any opinion bcs mostly they don't have discord.

Quote SgtDarkPhoenix ()
You do realize that James will never do that, as he's far too lazy?
I know this will sound harsh, but he really needs to attend those stuff if we wanna make this clan working as intended.

Before continuing quoting others, i have to mention what others had said about our forum, and again, these are the opinions of our members: they would like to see an Index page for every thread. Some members were actually confused when they wanted to register on forum, they couldn't find "register button", this has 2 meaning:

1. instead of hyperlink we could put an actual button,like this

2. location of hyperlink should be some where in the right upper corner,  bcs that is the place where people would be looking for.

I have list of propositions from the members, but that is for another topic.

Quote SgtDarkPhoenixFirstly, we don't accept people with no mics into the clan.

I agree on that.

Quote SgtDarkPhoenix It's deader than my sex life!

Not true, i am screwing you on daily basis. tongue

Quote SgtDarkPhoenix I don't have web coding knowledge advanced enough to write something as
complex as this site. And paying is really not an option, we're not a
massive clan to have donation money to work with.
BTW, James pieced it together from parts, he didn't write the whole
If you know how to, and have will to do it, you are welcome to lend a
hand! However, we'll need to have some serious talk before, but I guess
it can be done.

I have proposition for James and you Phoenix if you like to hear me out, and it is serious proposition, meaning i would like to talk with you on teamspeak instead of using the forum.
Also, i think we should ask the other regular members for opinions because they are also part of this community.


Boost? Phoenix will ban you !
Complain? Phoenix will ban you !
If you... Phoenix will ban you !
Disagree with Phoenix? PERMA BAN !!!

Message edited by Puko - Friday, 14/10/2016, 0:32 AM
supremeeaglearmyDate: Friday, 14/10/2016, 0:40 AM | Message # 9
Group: Inactive
Messages: 21
Reputation: 4
Status: Offline
Hi there,
I believe the colour of this forum should be changed. Its too Orange. what are your opinions on this?

Message edited by supremeeaglearmy - Friday, 14/10/2016, 0:41 AM
JamessuperfunDate: Friday, 14/10/2016, 9:54 AM | Message # 10
Colonel general
Group: Founder
Messages: 223
Reputation: 0
Status: Offline
Christ on a bike this is a lot to read and reply to lol.

Normally, all new members get rank Trial Member first (yes James, that's how we roll now :P)

For the billionth time, can you message me before making significant changes like that?
My opinion is the rank is divisive. It puts something on new users who already will feel more uncomfortable than others to make them stand out. Trial member ranks suck to have, so why apply them if we don't need to? If anything, why not "Member" plus a "New" tag?

I thought you were a Founder now, so why don't you have the right permissions? 

He is an Admin, which is a very permission-heavy rank (the highest one can obtain). Almost all the permissions to modify the platoon are avaliable minus a few which I don't see as useful to provide. As I said to Puko about a week ago, I'll consider making some changes but I don't think there's any alternative to the master password or requiring users to register in a different way (which is something I may implement).


Orange was chosen as the theme for the website as it's the colour of our platoon, all of our pages make use of it where possible. If there's support for reducing it's use across the board or changing the colour we primarily use I see no reason to oppose it.

Emails from Taco from Trello

Just unsubscribe. The platform gets regular updates and is geared towards business use, so they do a lot of email communication.

"Dip, dip, potato chip" - James Blunt
supremeeaglearmyDate: Friday, 14/10/2016, 1:58 PM | Message # 11
Group: Inactive
Messages: 21
Reputation: 4
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Quote Jamessuperfun ()
Orange was chosen as the theme for the website as it's the colour of our platoon, all of our pages make use of it where possible. If there's support for reducing it's use across the board or changing the colour we primarily use I see no reason to oppose it.
could you at-least reduce the use of the colour orange pleaseeeeeeeeeee........ (it reminds me of the orange ice-cream which i like and a little bit of some medicine, lol, just a tiny bit of change in the colour display, please)
SgtDarkPhoenixDate: Friday, 14/10/2016, 4:25 PM | Message # 12
~~ Your Gentle Administrator ~~
Group: Member
Messages: 1078
Reputation: 415
Status: Offline
Quote hauquierm ()
I thought you were a Founder now, so why don't you have the right permissions?

Nah mate, I'm Administrator, but the way James set it up... holy fuck, it's all fucked up hahaha
It was never properly set because James never thought anyone would use the rank any time soon (that he though 18 months ago). Now it's all broken LMAO

Quote Puko ()
Other members also agree that names of important members should be visible on the home page.

Yup, we should make that a thing. Puko needs his name on the front page. See how he squeezed in "leader" with "admin" and "founder"?  tongue

Quote Puko ()
About discord, just no, i am gonna agree with Phoenix


Quote Puko ()
I know this will sound harsh, but he really needs to attend those stuff if we wanna make this clan working as intended.

Apparently he'll be back. But it's all speculation biggrin

Quote Puko ()
they would like to see an Index page for every thread.

I actually don't know what this means.

Quote Puko ()
Some members were actually confused when they wanted to register on forum, they couldn't find "register button"

IT'S RIGHT HERE: http://prnt.sc/ctsks7
I hate stoopid people hahaha

But yeah, I agree we might want a bigger button, maybe somewhere in the corner of the heading picture?
It could take people to a separate page, where it'd be shortly explained that they need to go through recruitment and that they should always come on TS when playing. So many people never come on TeamSpeak, even when I remind them.

Quote Puko ()
Not true, i am screwing you on daily basis.


Quote Puko ()
I have proposition for James and you Phoenix if you like to hear me out

Alright, just keep in mind I'm not paying for anything biggrin

Quote supremeeaglearmy ()
I believe the colour of this forum should be changed. Its too Orange. what are your opinions on this?

Had this talk in the past, I also went back and forth on it with James as he was changing the scheme and I was giving my opinions.
Black and orange has been known to go very well together. We've tried many other colors and they all looked fugly. Most of other clans have those hidious dark websites that hurt my eyes. I really don't know why they're so popular, but it's plain ugly. That's why we opted for a more bright and lively look.
Example of a dark fugly site (just my opinion): http://clanaod.net/forums/cmps_index.php
What I consider "dope AF": http://teamone.online/
At this point, regarding color schemes, we will only take direct and concise ideas into consideration, no generalization. If you have a proposition, you better have the RGB or HEX codes ready, nothing like "maybe something greenish?" biggrin

Quote Jamessuperfun ()
For the billionth time, can you message me before making significant changes like that?

Really not that big of a change?
They all get Member on the site, get accepted to the platoon and all, but just get Trial on TS. We explain them it's just so others can meet them and shit.
If it were an actual trial with like scores and stuff, then it would be a significant change.

Quote Jamessuperfun ()
If anything, why not "Member" plus a "New" tag?

Yes, I would like that. Just copy the Guest group, change the name and icon. The New guys should have both Member and New, so that it really is just a tag, and not a complete rank. As long as they have Member, they'll feel at home, and New will server it's purpose (meeting and adding guys).
I'm not gonna repeat myself on how "Member" will not save you from my ban hammer. That still applies biggrin

Quote Jamessuperfun ()
He is an Admin, which is a very permission-heavy rank

It would be if you actually implemented the TS and website permissions correctly!  tongue

Quote Jamessuperfun ()
Orange was chosen as the theme for the website

Yup, I covered that earlier. I agree with James on that topic.

Quote Jamessuperfun ()
Just unsubscribe. The platform gets regular updates

Hell I will hahahaha
I don't know what you consider "regular", but for me that's like once a week, not twice a day hahaha

Quote supremeeaglearmy ()
could you at-least reduce the use of the colour orange pleaseeeeeeeeeee

Concise ideas pleaseeeeeeeeeee
Literally point at what you want changed, and say in what way. We're likely to change it then smile

- MasterPhoenix | Fite me 1v1 (ง ° ͜ ʖ °)ง
- Used to be an Admin...

JamessuperfunDate: Friday, 14/10/2016, 6:33 PM | Message # 13
Colonel general
Group: Founder
Messages: 223
Reputation: 0
Status: Offline
I have looked over the Teamspeak and website permissions, I understand they're OK now. The website permissions are almost all applied to you, the things you want such as name changing must be handled completely separately through the control panel.

I agree with concise ideas. If you want to test stuff out, right click > Inspect. That's a fairly user friendly tool where you can mess about with some of the design of any page. If you have exact colours, great - but it's very difficult to use anything general in practice. As mentioned earlier, most colours look horrible. This happens to be OK IMO, but it can be changed. Just a note, if it's looking pale like cheese, increase your monitor's saturation - it's supposed to be a fairly deep orange.

It's a fairly significant change because of how it makes every new user feel. When you're a trial member, there is a certain discomfort associated, like not being part of the group. This possibility has been brought up again and again but decided against, I would consider it fairly major.

I will be back! Going to make a big effort. Really not been gaming much yet bored and recently upgraded, so really going to push myself to focus on BF1. When the servers launch I may rent us one, though I understand the platoon/server systems are simplified significantly now.

You just registered, that's why there's so many.

I agree with the Team One website being dope, and agreed that AOD is a bit dark for my tastes. Something like the Team One site would be fantastic. I looked up the origins of the site and it has been professionally designed by a web design company based in London, I believe their name is London Graphics. That sort of service is frankly well out of the budget of BoB, but there are alternative platforms which do focus on a more streamlined page, such as Squarespace.

The time commitment to large website changes is fairly significant, it's hard to just put a few minutes in and do a lot. I can find an evening to fuck with it but I'll need a more detailed plan of the required changes before I consider that. My HTML and CSS skills are limited, so don't expect something magical.

What I'm thinking for the information about members is either just a more prominent link to the profiles part of the website or a section added to "About Us", which I doubt most people read anyway.

"Dip, dip, potato chip" - James Blunt
SgtDarkPhoenixDate: Saturday, 15/10/2016, 11:04 AM | Message # 14
~~ Your Gentle Administrator ~~
Group: Member
Messages: 1078
Reputation: 415
Status: Offline
Quote Jamessuperfun ()
I have looked over the Teamspeak and website permissions, I understand they're OK now. The website permissions are almost all applied to you, the things you want such as name changing must be handled completely separately through the control panel.

Alright, thank you. I checked, and TS things that were broken before, still are. I won't abuse it, but we'll need to have a chat some time smile
Is it possible to change the way it's handled? To change the names, you need the control panel. But can you use the control panel to make it so it's not needed to use the panel to change names, make that a separate power, and then assign it to me, or to everyone so they can change their own names? Admittedly, the latter option is likely to turn into a chaos. But without being able to change the names, I won't apply ranks either because it has to be done over again anyways (talking about that thread with all the name changes listed).

Quote Jamessuperfun ()
I agree with concise ideas. If you want to test stuff out, right click > Inspect.

Holy shit, I just realized you can edit the code in there... I always thought that was "preview only". You opened my eyes mate hahaha

Quote Jamessuperfun ()
if it's looking pale like cheese, increase your monitor's saturation - it's supposed to be a fairly deep orange.

For me it's more of a bright orange, and not that deep orange, but I guess that's what you meant.

Quote Jamessuperfun ()
It's a fairly significant change because of how it makes every new user feel. When you're a trial member, there is a certain discomfort associated, like not being part of the group.

As I said before, they ARE part of the group, and they are explained during recruitment they're not on actual trial. You can ask Puko about it, he'll tell you what he thinks about it and how new guys feel (since he does a lot of recruitment now).

Quote Jamessuperfun ()
When the servers launch I may rent us one

Put that stock market money to good use! Get us a big fat server hahaha

Quote Jamessuperfun ()
You just registered, that's why there's so many.

And guess who'll be unregistering? biggrin

Quote Jamessuperfun ()
I agree with the Team One website being dope, and agreed that AOD is a bit dark for my tastes.

I'm drunk already, you gotta stop agreeing with me.
It is quite obvious that hiring someone is out of budget, I just proposed a general look. Good websites are expensive, and I really don't feel like we need anything too OP.
See what you can do on the topic, as I won't be of much use. I really don't know anything about website coding nor renting, I can only give general design ideas or opinions (which I'd be happy to give).

Quote Jamessuperfun ()
What I'm thinking for the information about members is either just a more prominent link to the profiles part of the website or a section added to "About Us", which I doubt most people read anyway.

Don't link the "Members list" anywhere where it's too visible. Some already complained (Frostieey, I think), that even unregistered users can see the list of all profiles on here, which is true. So you can see real names of people. Some are not comfortable with that, so I believe we might have something like a "privacy leak" right now.

We might want "About Us & Rules" changed almost completely. Make the name be "JOIN US" or something similar, and then put recruitment, TS link, a list of Staff and what not in there. Basically, revamp the About Us & Rules page. 

I've linked my ancient fearsome Rules Word document... not expecting you to put that all in here, but you could definitely use parts of it, especially the updated Recruitment process and rank list. It's shorter than what I've written in my first reply on this thread, so it should be a piece of cake to read it, now that you're used to it smile

- MasterPhoenix | Fite me 1v1 (ง ° ͜ ʖ °)ง
- Used to be an Admin...

GrumpehBritDate: Thursday, 20/10/2016, 10:04 PM | Message # 15
Lieutenant general
Group: Friends
Messages: 260
Reputation: 5
Status: Offline
OMFG...wall of text.com

Ok here is how it is :

1. What James says goes
2. What SGTFaggot does makes little sense at times but hes cute...in a manly way ofc.
3. If in doubt, start at 1.

Its a relaxed attitude casual clan of like minded sexual deviants...

Before I lost my mind to PTSD I had a clan running CV to die for... but I love the laid back approach of Jamaican Weed smoking that is BoB, I could post pages of improvement and changes but at the end of the day, its Jame's roadshow and he DOES listen long as you use short words smile lol

Added (20/10/2016, 10:04 PM)
ps. what was your clan for CS:Source ?

I played over 500 clanbase games on that game :P

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